Monday, 25 November 2019

the 2019 cultural festival

On saturday the 23rd November the cultural festival was held at Rocket Park.
The cultural festival is a festival held every year  for primary and intermediate school children to dance about a culture.
This year I was in African group I think we did well.
This is also my last time doing a cultural group.

Here are some photos.

Blog ya alter.
From Marley.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

day 1 writing

this is my day 1 writing.
blog ya later.

Thursday, 14 November 2019


this is my green week animation you need to save turtles kkkk

Blog ya later.
From Marley

Wednesday, 13 November 2019

green week

this is my green week we had to answer 4 questions.

Blog ya later. 🐢>﹏<🐢

turtle poster

This is my turtle poster also check out the on top of it its for green week for green week.
An animation is coming soon as well.

blog ya later

day 1 of green week wrighting

Hi hey im back, so today we're going to wright about a picture of a kid and
a whale
H\ere is the image.

And here is the story 
Swimming up  to the great whale shark to climb in it's mouth.
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the waters warm and the whales even bigger splishy sploshy splashy
Ohh im going so fast hhhh ok im gonna go in now, hey look its a school of  shrimp and some- ah! Crown of thorns ohh I better stay away from that.

day three writing for green week

So this is day three of the writing yay, lets get on with it

here is the last picture
yup its a turtle!

Crack ahh the light, it burns, climbing out of my eag I smell the fresh air and scout out the ways to get to the ocean.
Ok, here I go- whoa I got to get to this um- walking thing left right left together left right left right together right, hey this is pretty easy scatter scatter scatter yes I made it! this is the start done now I need to find my mum.
Splash, ahh this water is so warm and I made it this far so I guess i'm a lucky one.

 Every year over 1000 sea turtles die a year when they are born and don't even make it to the water ):

Did you like my story?

blog ya later.

From Marley.


Tuesday, 12 November 2019

day 2 writing- the time traveller

so this is day 2 yeah I um well made it this far so now i'm writing about a different picture cool.

here is the picture

and here is the writing.
strolling up the road on a fine misty winters morning i look back on the events that have happened today, I wrestled a shark, I lost all my diamond gear in minecraft, and to top it all off my clock broke.
As the mist clears away I notice a small shack in the distance and a broken down car, then abruptly a shadow comes up in front of me, as my face turned to an ahhh type of face my feet slip and my back hits the ground I pull myself up and run to the shack to get a broomstick I spotted earlier and slotted it in my hand, stay back you foul beast shouted the traveler, swoosh the beast grabs the travelers back and pushes him on the ground, the traveller runs into the shack, ah I'll be safe here as the beast scratches the door tuhe traveller stops his breath hmph [monster leaves] ahh I think he's gone.

I hope you liked that story.

Blog ya later.
From Marley.